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Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 Potency: A Guide for Power Users

TL;DR: Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 Potency

Delta 9 is about twice as potent as Delta 8, offering stronger effects at lower doses. Delta 8 provides a milder experience with fewer side effects, like anxiety. Both cannabinoids are similar and generally safe to use together. Choose based on your desired strength, effects, and local laws.

When it comes to cannabinoids, Delta 9 was once the only game in town. Beyond specialized research and a few very industrious individuals, Delta 9 was the only easily accessible cannabinoid.

Now, things have changed. Thanks to major changes like the 2018 Farm Bill, a wide range of cannabinoids are legal on the federal level. That includes Delta 8, one of the first alternative cannabinoids to enter the market and an enduringly popular option.

Today, we’ll compare Delta 8 and Delta 9, with our focus on Delta 8 vs Delta 9 potency. Not sure which cannabinoid is right for you? This guide can help!

What Are Delta 8 and Delta 9?

Delta 8 is a minor cannabinoid — a chemical primarily found in cannabis and hemp plants that acts on cannabinoid receptors in the body. Although it doesn’t occur in high levels naturally, it’s easy to create Delta 8 in lab settings by chemically converting the abundant CBD found in hemp plants.

Delta 8 causes psychoactive effects, as do most but not all other cannabinoids (CBD is one such exception, as Harvard Health Publishing points out). Users commonly report feelings like relaxation, euphoria, and pain relief. A user survey published in the Journal of Cannabis Research (JCR) shows a majority of users experience these three feelings when using Delta 8.

Delta 8 may have functional benefits as well, although these have not been conclusively proven through peer-reviewed research. Potential benefits in this area include pain relief, reduced anxiety, and help falling and staying asleep.

Delta 9 is the major cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. In the big picture, it has similar effects as those offered by Delta 8, and, also like Delta 8, is often used recreationally but is also sometimes used for its functional benefits. However, Delta 9 is more potent in 1:1 comparisons — something we’ll explore further in the following section of this blog.

The distinction between cannabis and hemp is a legal one in the US, with the line drawn based on the THC content of plants that are otherwise largely the same. The 2018 Farm Bill set the upper limit for hemp plants at 0.3% Delta 9 by dry weight. Plants with a higher percentage of Delta 9 are considered cannabis.

Cannabis is illegal on the federal level but legal in slightly more than half of US states. Hemp and the psychoactive products that come from it are legal on the federal level. However, some states, counties, and municipalities restrict or ban hemp-derived cannabinoids like Delta 8.

One important fact to keep in mind is that Delta 9 can be created from the abundant CBD found in hemp plants, just like Delta 8. Even in states that don’t have medical or recreational cannabis programs, hemp-derived Delta 9 is generally legal unless a law related to hemp-derived cannabis is in place.

This is all to say that both Delta 8 and Delta 9 are available in many parts of the country, and that can leave users wondering if one or the other, or both, is the best choice for their needs. These user questions often focus on Delta 8 vs Delta 9 potency — whether Delta 8 or 9 is stronger. Let’s take a closer look.

Dice sit in a row, spelling out the word Delta, as a finger moves the last die to show an 8 and 9 on two of its faces.

What’s Stronger: Delta 8 or Delta 9?

It’s no secret that Delta 9 is commonly thought of as more potent, or stronger, than Delta 9 in 1:1 comparisons. In other words, someone who takes a dose of Delta 8 one day, waits for its effects to end, and then takes the same-sized dose of Delta 9 the following day will almost certainly think Delta 9 is stronger.

As the University at Buffalo points out, Delta 8 potency vs Delta 9 is roughly half. The average user would theoretically need to double their dose of Delta 8 as compared to Delta 9 to feel the same effects.

Keep in mind that, while the “What’s stronger, Delta 8 or 9?” question is a common one for users, it’s far from the only one related to potency. There are many other cannabinoids, all with varying levels of strength.

What does this mean for you as an individual? There are a few key points to keep in mind when choosing which cannabinoid is right for your needs:

  • Delta 9 is more potent. If you’re looking for strong effects, Delta 9 is a clear favorite. However, you can take a double dose of Delta 8 as compared to Delta 9 and feel similar effects.
  • Delta 8 may offer reduced side effects. In the JCR user survey linked in the first section of this blog, a majority of those users said they replaced Delta 9 with Delta 8. This is in part due to reduced side effects, such as anxiety and forgetfulness.
  • Both cannabinoids are very similar. The major difference between Delta 8 and Delta 9 is in terms of potency as opposed to drastically different specific effects. While they are unique chemicals, they are very, very similar to each other in their chemical structures.
  • Both cannabinoids can be used safely together. There are no apparent negative interactions between Delta 8 and Delta 9. If you’re unsure which is better for you and your needs, there’s nothing wrong with trying both to see how they work for you.
  • Access may guide your decision. Depending on where you live, both hemp- and cannabis-based products may be legal. Or, either hemp or cannabis products are restricted or illegal. Only a few states have laws against both, however.

There’s no right answer for all users when it comes to choosing between Delta 8 and Delta 9, even though it’s clear Delta 9 wins the “Delta 8 vs Delta 9 potency” debate. Our advice is to look into your local laws, try out the options available to you, take a careful approach to dosing, and discover which one you like best.

The Best Cannabinoids from the Best Brands at Delta 8 Resellers

Whether you prefer Delta 8, Delta 9, or any other hemp-derived cannabinoid, Delta 8 Resellers has you covered! We partner exclusively with top industry brands to bring you the very best cannabinoids. And, we always share the results of third-party lab testing on our individual product pages whenever available, so you can see exactly what you’re getting.

Check out our Delta 8 products today!

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